Driver Statistics

On the Driver Statistics tab, you can compare available drivers for a specific device and choose the driver you want to post to Windows® Update.

To view driver statistics

  1. To sort the list of all drivers, click one of the following column headings:


    Column heading Definition

    Submission ID

    The ID associated with the submission. The same submission ID may be listed multiple times, each for a different hardware ID. Expand the entry to see all the submission IDs submitted for that device.

    You can also enter the submission ID in the Go to Submission Details box, and then click Go.

    Hardware ID

    The ID associated with a device.

    Product Name

    The logo product name for this device and submission.


    The driver type.

    Driver Version

    The version of the driver to be distributed. You can click a link to download the driver package and confirm that it is the package you want to distribute.

    Is Marked Important?

    Indication that specifies whether the driver has been marked as important. If the driver has not previously been set as a critical update on Windows® Update, you will see No.

    Driver is on WU?

    Indication that specifies whether the driver has been added to Windows Update. If the driver has been added to Windows Update, you will see Yes. If the driver is not available on Windows Update, you can click Go to Distribution Options to distribute the driver.

  2. To view all other submissions made for a specific device, or for the following details, click the plus sign next to the submission ID for that device.


    Heading Definition

    All submission IDs submitted for device

    Product Name

    The Logo product name for this device and this submission.

    Driver Version

    Click the link to download the driver package.

    Driver Date

    The date indicated in the driver information.

    Windows Update Install Success

    The number of successful installations for this driver, on this device, according to Windows Update.

    Windows Update Installs

    The total number of installations for this driver, on this device, according to Windows Update.


    Crash data for this driver and this device.

    Is marked important

    Indicates if the driver is distributed as an important driver on Windows Update for this device.

    Go to Distribution Options

    Click to view the distribution options for this driver and this device.

By default, the list displays devices with submissions made in the last 30 days. To change the display, use the results filter. For more information about the results filter, see Filter and Search Your Submissions.

See Also

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