Create and Manage Your Profile

Applies To: Windows 8

The Administration page on the Dashboard displays different information for general registered users and company administrators. For more information about the administrators’ experience, see Manage Users and Permissions.

Creating and managing your account

When you first register yourself on the Dashboard, you create an account profile that includes your name, contact information, and your corporate billing group. You also request specific permissions from your administrator.

On the Administration page, the My Account tile offers two options for the general registered user.

Flowchart for My Account

To manage your personal information

  1. In the My Account tile, click Update your personal information.

  2. On the My Account page, on the Personal information tab, update your name, email address, phone number, fax number, or billing group, and then click Update.

To view and update your permissions

  1. In the My Account tile, click Request permissions from your admin.

  2. On the My Account page, on the Permissions tab, review your current permissions. Then, in the Send a request to your administrator text box, list the permissions you want to add or remove.

Your administrator must review and grant your request before your permissions are changed.

See Also

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