Manage Hardware Submissions

After you have submitted your product for certification, you can manage it through the dashboard.

To manage a hardware submission

  1. Sign in to the Dashboard with you Microsoft account.

  2. In the Hardware certification tile, click Manage submissions.

  3. On the Manage submissions page, you can see all the hardware submissions that have been submitted by your company. To find a specific hardware submission, you can do the following:


    To You can


    Select to search by ID or by name, and then enter the ID or name in the Search box.


    Select one or more parameters from the options to create a more precise list.


    Click a column heading to sort the list by that property.

  4. Click the submission ID to open more information about the submission. The following information is available:


    Tab Description

    Submission Info

    Describes the product, including:

    • Name

    • Marketing information, such as marketing name, part number, and locales

    • Publication and distribution dates

    • The device metadata category and the default icon if you do not choose to submit a custom icon

    • Model ID

    Editable fields can be changed. To submit the changes, click Update.

    Summary & Tasks

    Outlines the tasks required for complete certification, such as:

    • Status, including current and next step

    • Submission details, including billing group and purchase order number

    • Qualification achieved

    Actions available depend on the status of the submission:

    1. If the submission status is Pending, you can cancel the submission by clicking Cancel Submission. If it is complete, you can update it or download signed catalog files for submissions that include non-inbox drivers.

    2. If the submission status is Approved, you can complete any of the items in the bulleted list that follows this table.

    Submission details

    Shows you a list of the features you tested in your Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK) submission for each operating system.

    Upon approval of your submission, you can use the Dashboard to do the following:

    • Resell a device that you created to other companies for their use, after the device has been approved for certification a.

    • Accept or decline a submission that has been sold to you.

    • Download signed catalog files.

    • View, save, or print a copy of your Certification Verification Report.

    • Manage Publication settings.

    • Download a copy of the WQReady.xml file from a previous submission.

    • Download certification artwork and style guidelines.

To update an HCK submission using the Driver Update Acceptable (DUA) process

  1. From Manage submissions, click the appropriate submission ID.

  2. Under the Download heading, click DUA shell package, and then click Save.

  3. From HCK Studio, click Connect.

  4. Select Package, and then click Browse to open the existing DUA shell package.

  5. Under Packaging Options, select Driver Update.

  6. Click OK.

  7. On the Package tab, right-click the appropriate driver folder, and then click Replace Driver.

  8. Click Create Package.

  9. Go back to Manage submissions in the WHDC Dashboard, search by ID, and click Upload driver update (DUA).

  10. Use the new .hckx file that was created by HCK Studio and complete the DUA wizard.

To update a WLK submission using the Driver Update Acceptable (DUA) process

  1. From Manage submissions, click the submission ID.

  2. Under the Download heading, click WST File, and then click Save. The XML file will be saved as submissionID.xml.

  3. Open the Winqual Submission Tool application and change the Submission Type to Driver Update Submission.

  4. Click Submission, click Open, and then select the downloaded submissionID.xml file.

  5. Confirm that the driver folder location and driver path is correct. If the driver path is not correct, click Edit, and then browse to the correct driver folder path in the Driver Package tab. You should not add any new driver locales.

  6. Click Create Package. This creates the file package. The submissionID.xml file with also be updated with the new driver path.

  7. Sign the file with a Verisign code signing certificate.

  8. Go back to Manage submissions in the WHDC Dashboard and search by ID.

  9. Under the View heading, click Upload driver update (DUA). Use the submissionID.xml and files that were created by WST and complete the DUA wizard.

To resell a submission

  1. On the Manage submissions page, click the ID of the approved submission you want to resell, and then open the Summary & Tasks tab.

  2. Under Manage, click Resell this submission.

  3. Select the name of the company to which you want to resell the submission and click Resell.

  4. The status of the resold submission can be viewed on the Summary & Tasks tab. Under View, click Resold Submissions.

To accept or decline a submission that has been sold to you

  1. On the Manage submissions page, filter the list by setting the Status to Resold, and then click the ID to open the submission.

  2. On the Summary & Tasks tab, accept or decline the resale.

See Also

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