Manage Device Metadata Experiences
After you've created and submitted your device metadata experiences, you can review or edit them through the dashboard.
Managing your device metadata experiences
On the Manage experiences page, you can add, remove, or promote (from preview to release) a device metadata package in a selected experience. You can also add packages for the same hardware IDs or model IDs into the same experience if the IDs are for different locales.
To filter your device metadata experiences
Sign in to the dashboard from either the Windows® Hardware Developer Center or the Windows® Desktop App Developer Center, with the Microsoft account associated with the dashboard.
On the left side of the window, click Device metadata, and then click Manage experiences.
All the experiences that you or your company created appear. Click the column headings to change the order of the list.
Use the filter at the top of the list to display only the experiences that you want to see. Enter one or more of the following parameters:
Parameter Description Experience name
From the list, select the name of the experience that you want to review or update.
Hardware ID(s)
Enter the hardware ID(s) that you want to review, inserting a semicolon after each entry. This displays the experiences that contain the selected hardware ID(s).
Device category
From the list, select the device category that you want to review.
Model ID(s)
Enter the model ID(s) that you want to review, inserting a semicolon after each entry. This displays the experiences that contain the selected model ID(s).
To open and view your device metadata experience
Click an experience to view the details.
Under Experience information, review the information, which includes:
Element Description Experience type
The type of packages in an experience, including metadata for:
Devices and printers
Device stage
Device category
The device category of the packages in the experience.
Model ID(s)
The model IDs defined in the packages in the experience.
Hardware ID(s)
The hardware IDs defined in the packages in the experience.
Logo submission ID(s)
The submission IDs bound to the experience.
Devices and printers
Under Metadata packages, expand an individual package to view more details. You can also download a package that is live or ready to be published.
If a metadata package has an error, it will be displayed here. -
You can sort the list by clicking one of the following column headers:
Column header Description Name
The packages in the experience are listed according to their friendly name, if they have one, or by their file name.
Submission date
This shows the date when you submitted each individual package.
This check box is selected if the package is in preview and hasn't been released.
This lists the country/region for which the package has been designed.
Yes indicates the package that you have designated as the default package.
This value indicates the current state of the selected package, and can be one of the following:
Pending: The package has been uploaded and is being validated.
To Be Published: The package has been validated and is waiting to be sent to the metadata servers. You can download a validated copy of your package, and it will be live and available to your users within 24 hours.
Live: The package is now available for your users to download.
Error: One or more errors were discovered during validation. Expand the section for more details.
Pending: The package has been uploaded and is being validated.
To modify your device metadata experience
To release a preview package, select the package, and then click Release.
It can take up to 48 hours for a released file to be available for users to download. -
To remove a package from the experience, select the package, and then click Delete.
You can only remove a package that is in the Live or Error state. -
To update an existing package, select the package, click Delete, and then create and upload a new package.
For more information about creating a new package, see the Device Metadata Authoring Wizard, available in the Windows Driver Kit.
To add a new package, under Add more metadata, browse for the file or files that you want to add, create a friendly name if you want, and then click Submit.
You can add a total of 50 packages to an experience.
See Also