Manage Legal Agreements

Applies To: Windows 8

From the Administration page of the dashboard, you have access to your legal agreements so you can review and sign them.

Managing your legal agreements

On the Administration page, the Legal Agreements tile provides the following options:

  • View your legal agreements.

  • Access public copies of legal agreements.

The following diagram outlines the process.

View and sign legal agreements

To view your legal agreements

  1. From either the Windows® Hardware Developer Center or the Windows® Desktop App Developer Center, sign in to the dashboard with the Microsoft account that you want to use for logo submission.

  2. On the Administration page, in the Legal agreements tile, click View your legal agreements.

  3. On the Legal agreements page, apply filters for the Device categories, or sort the agreements by name or status to find the agreement you want to view.

  4. To view a file, click the agreement to open a .pdf file.

To sign your legal agreements

  • If the agreement hasn’t yet been signed and you are eligible to sign it, a signature block is displayed beneath the .pdf file. Enter your full name as it appears on the page, and then enter the current date.

See Also

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