File a New Bug

If you're using the Windows® bug management service to manage the bugs in your product, you can enter a new bug on the Bug management page on the Dashboard.

Creating and filing a new bug

You can create a new bug online, and then submit it to be filed with Microsoft.

To create and file a new bug

  1. From either the Windows® Hardware Developer Center or the Windows® Desktop App Developer Center, sign in to the Dashboard by using your Microsoft account.

  2. On the left side of the window, click Bug management.

  3. On the Bug management page, in the File a new bug tile, click File a new bug.

  4. On the File new bug page, enter details about the bug, making sure that you enter information in every field that has an asterisk. See the following table for more details about the required fields.


    Field name Description of content

    Partner type

    Select the entry that best describes the space in which you want to file your bug.

    Bug type

    Select the scope of your bug. For example, select Kit if your bug refers to the Windows Hardware Certification Kit.

    Feature area

    Select an appropriate feature area.


    Enter a title for your bug that is as descriptive as possible.


    Enter a detailed description of the issue.

    Repro steps

    Describe the actions you had taken when the issue occurred.

    For the quickest response, make sure to include the following details:

    • The application or applications where the compatibility issue occurs.

    • The application language or languages involved.

    • If the application is downloadable, the URL where it is available.

      If the application is not downloadable, provide Microsoft with permission to share the application, or allow us to use it for reproduction and test purposes only.

    Expected results

    Describe what you expected to happen after you completed the actions you performed.

    Actual results

    Describe what actually happened. This is the main issue of the bug.

    Issue type

    Select a category for the bug, such as Code Bug.


    Select a ranking for the severity of the bug. For example:

    • The issue causes a system crash or a loss of data.

    • The issue causes major functionality or other problems, and in some cases, may cause a product failure.

    • There are minor functionality issues that affect the fit-and-finish of the product.

    • There is wording that may be unclear, or there are typographical errors that do not affect the use of the product.


    Select an option for how quickly the bug must be fixed. For example:

    • The issue is currently blocking any further development in this area. It must be fixed immediately.

    • This issue should be fixed before the product is released.

    • This issue should be fixed if there is time, but can be postponed.

    Business impact

    Enter a brief description of how this issue is affecting your business.

    Latest repro build number

    Enter the identification number of the applicable build on which you encountered this issue.

    Ship vehicle and Ship vehicle detail

    Select the general vehicle where the bug was found, such as WLK 2.0 for HCK bugs.

    Installation method

    Indicate whether you used a clean installation or an upgrade for the device, or specify another method if that was used.

  5. Click Select files to upload to attach a file to the bug. (Optional)

  6. When all information is complete, click Save at the top of the form.

To track activity on a bug that you filed

  1. On the left side of the window, under Bug management, click View bugs.

  2. In the list of bugs, open the bug you want to track.

  3. In the top right corner of the bug, click Add to My Watchlist.

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