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Windows Biometric Framework API


You can use the Windows Biometric Framework API to create client applications that securely capture, save, and compare end-user biometric information.

Developer audience

Developers who use this API should be familiar with the C and C++ programming languages and the Windows-based programming environment.

Run-time requirements

The Windows Biometric Framework API is supported beginning with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. For information about run-time requirements for a particular programming element, see the Requirements section of the reference page for that element.

In this section


About the Windows Biometric Framework API

Biometrics is an increasingly popular technology that can be used to provide user access to computing systems, services and resources. Biometric devices measure an unchanging physical characteristic to uniquely identify an individual.

Using the Windows Biometric Framework API

How to use the Windows Biometric Framework API to create client applications and adapter plug-ins.

Windows Biometric Framework API Reference

Detailed descriptions of functions, structures, and other programming elements that can be used to create a client applications and plug-ins.




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