WITT I2C Controller Test-Stress
The Windows Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Testing Tool (WITT) stress controller test verifies Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK)Windows® Simple Peripheral Bus (SPB) compliance and reliability.
The stress test performs one-hour Stres testing on standard, fast and fast plus I2C devices, random operations/cancellations, random data and random device response (clocking stretching and NACK). Data transfer failure is expected and is ignored by the test during the time that test is checking for driver stabilities under stress.
The controller must function after one hour of stress testing. Basic write/read I/O runs at the end of the stress test.
Test details
Associated requirements |
Device.BusController.I2C.CancellationOfIO |
Platforms |
Windows RT 8.1
Expected run time |
~65 minutes |
Categories |
Reliability |
Type |
Automated |
Running the tests
Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements WITT I2C Testing Prerequisites.
For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Bus Controller Testing.
See Also