Common failures for USB tests in the Windows HCK

Common failures for USB tests in the Windows HCK.

DevFund tests for USB

  • Error condition: Device Status Check fails with an error indicating that the MUTT device is not present.
    1. SuperMUTT is running Winusb.sys or Usbtcd.sys as the driver. You can get the driver and the driver installation package files by installing the MUTT Software Package. For more information, see Tools in the MUTT software package.
    2. Make sure that Device manager shows the hardware ID of the SuperMUTT as "USB\VID_045E&PID_078F".

      Note  PID_078E is incorrect.

    3. Make sure that Device manager (View > Devices by connection) shows the SuperMUTT enumerated downstream of an xHCI controller.
    4. In USBView, make sure that the SuperMUTT device is operating at SuperSpeed.

      Note  You can install USBView from the Install Debugging Tools for Windows package in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). Alternatively, USBView is installed in the Debuggers folder in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).

    5. Make sure that MUTT firmware is up-to-date. From an elevated prompt run "muttutil -updatefirmware" in the directory where you installed the MUTT Software Package.

    If the issue persists, report the problem with these attachments:

    • Screenshots of Device Manager and USBView showing items 1-4 in the preceding list.
    • The output of the MuttUtil command.
  • Error condition: DevFund fails during a simple I/O transfer.
    1. In HCK Studio, select the Optional test level.
    2. Run the Diagnosability - Tracing Jobs - USB - Start USB trace collection test.
    3. Run the System - Sleep and PNP (disable and enable) with IO Before and After (Certification) test.
    4. Run the Diagnosability - Tracing Jobs - USB - Stop USB trace collection test.
    5. Attach all contents of %SystemDrive%\USB_Traces with your bug.
    6. Save and attach the .hckx file for the preceding tests.
  • Error condition: The MUTT device is connected to the system but the correct drivers are not installed.

    Most likely driver installation failed or the device does not have the latest firmware. Install Winusb.sys or Usbtcd.sys as the driver. You can get the driver and the driver installation package files by installing the MUTT Software Package.



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