CDC and WMCDC Control Models

The CDC and WMCDC Control Models section describes the properties of interface collections that are supported in Microsoft Windows operating systems. Each description includes, among other things, a list of hardware and device identifiers (IDs) that the USB generic parent driver generates for the interface collection.

Most of the interface collections that Windows supports correspond to control models that belong to the communication device class (CDC) and wireless mobile communication device class (WMCDC), but the operating system also supports legacy audio and video interface collections and an interface collection that the Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC) defines.

The interface collections that are described in this section are the following:

Audio Class Interfaces

CDC Abstract Control Model

CDC ATM Networking Control Model

CDC CAPI Control Model

CDC Direct Line Control Model

CDC Ethernet Networking Control Model

CDC Multi-Channel ISDN Control Model

CDC Telephone Control Model

MCPC Vendor-Unique Interfaces

Video Class Interfaces

WMCDC Abstract Control Model

WMCDC Device Management Model

WMCDC Mobile Direct Line Model

WMCDC OBEX Control Model (Multiple PDOs)

WMCDC OBEX Control Model (Single PDO)

WMCDC Wireless Handset Control Model

The hardware ID formats in the preceding topics describe use the following conventions:

  • a C-language printf format represents integers. For example, "%04x" means a 4-digit hexadecimal integer, "%02x" means a 2-digit hexadecimal integer, and so on.

  • The integer that follows the string "Vid_" is a 4-digit hexadecimal representation of the vendor code that the USB committee ( assigns to the vendor.

  • The integer that follows the string "Pid_" is a 4-digit hexadecimal representation of the product code that the vendor assigns to the device.

  • The integer that follows the string "Rev_" is a 4-digit hexadecimal representation of the revision number of the device.

  • The integer that follows the string "Cdc_" is the interface subclass.

  • The integer that follows the string "Prot_" is the protocol number.

  • The integer that follows the string "MI_" is a 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the interface number, which is extracted from the bInterfaceNumber field of the interface descriptor.

Related topics

Support for the Wireless Mobile Communication Device Class
Enumeration of Interface Collections on USB Composite Devices
USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys)



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