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UsbBuildGetStatusRequest routine

The UsbBuildGetStatusRequest macro formats an URB to obtain status from a device, interface, endpoint, or other device-defined target on a USB device.


void UsbBuildGetStatusRequest(
  _Inout_    Urb,
  _In_      USHORT Op,
  _In_      USHORT Index,
  _In_opt_  PVOID TransferBuffer,
  _In_opt_  PMDL TransferBufferMDL,
  _In_      PURB Link


Urb [in, out]

Pointer to an URB to be formatted as an status request.

Op [in]

Specifies one of the following values:


Retrieves status from a USB device.


Retrieves status from an interface on a USB device.


Retrieves status from an endpoint for an interface on a USB device.


Retrieves status from a device-defined target on a USB device.

Index [in]

Specifies the device-defined index, returned by a successful configuration request, if the request is for an endpoint or interface. Otherwise, Index must be zero.

TransferBuffer [in, optional]

Pointer to a resident buffer to receive the status data or is NULL if an MDL is supplied in TransferBufferMDL.

TransferBufferMDL [in, optional]

Pointer to an MDL that describes a resident buffer to receive the status data or is NULL if a buffer is supplied in TransferBuffer.

Link [in]

Reserved. Must be set to NULL.

Return value

This routine does not return a value.



Usbdlib.h (include Usbdlib.h)

See also

Routines for USB Client Drivers



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Build date: 12/5/2013

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