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USBD_ValidateConfigurationDescriptor routine

The USBD_ValidateConfigurationDescriptor routine validates all descriptors returned by a device in its response to a configuration descriptor request.


USBD_STATUS USBD_ValidateConfigurationDescriptor(
  _In_      ULONG BufferLength,
  _In_      USHORT Level,
  _Out_     PUCHAR *Offset,
  _In_opt_  ULONG Tag


ConfigDesc [in]

Pointer to a configuration descriptor that includes all interface, endpoint, vendor, and class-specific descriptors retrieved from a USB device.

BufferLength [in]

Size, in bytes, of the configuration descriptor being validated.

Level [in]

Level of validation to be performed. The following are valid values:

  • 1-Basic validation of the configuration descriptor header.
  • 2-Full validation of the configuration descriptor including checking for invalid endpoint addresses, interface numbers, descriptor structures, interface alternate settings, number of interfaces and bLength fields of all descriptors.
  • 3-In addition to the validation for levels 1 and 2, level 3 validates plus validates the number of endpoints in each interface, enforces the USB specification's descriptor bLength sizes, and verifies that all interface numbers are in sequential order.
Offset [out]

Offset within configuration descriptor where validation failed. Only valid when a status other than USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned.

Tag [in, optional]

Pool tag used by USBD_ValidateConfigurationDescriptor when allocating memory.

Return value

USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS, or appropriate USBD error code if validation failed.



Available in Windows Vista and later operating systems.


Usbdlib.h (include Usbdlib.h)





See also

Routines for USB Client Drivers



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Build date: 12/5/2013

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