Imaging Devices Reference

This section contains reference information for the following technologies:

Device Interface Classes for Imaging Devices

IWiaMiniDrv Interface

Still Image Interfaces

Web Services on Devices Reference

WIA and STI Driver Reference Table

The following table contains reference information for Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) drivers and for Still Imaging (STI) drivers. These drivers control devices, including scanners and cameras, that capture still images. For more information about these drivers, see Windows Image Acquisition Drivers and Still Image Drivers.

The following sections describe the interfaces, functions, structures, and properties used by WIA and STI drivers.


Device Interface Classes for Imaging Devices

Device class GUID for imaging devices.

IWiaMiniDrv Interface

Interface for managing all communications between a WIA minidriver and the WIA service.

WIA Driver Services Library Functions

Helper functions used by a WIA minidriver to manage device items and data transfers.

WIA Properties

Properties of WIA devices, including status, capabilities, and device identification information.

WIA Utility Library Functions and Classes

Utility functions and classes used by a WIA minidriver to support debugging and to perform common tasks.

IWiaMiniDrvCallBack Interface

Callback interface for transferring status and image data between the WIA service and a WIA minidriver.

IWiaDrvItem Interface

Interface used by a WIA minidriver to manage a tree of WIA driver items.

IWiaErrorHandler Interface

Interface used by a WIA minidriver to provide error status and to support error recovery.

IWiaImageFilter Interface

Interface implemented by an image processing filter and called by the WIA service to communicate with the filter.

IWiaLog Interface and Diagnostic Log Macros

Interface and macros used by a WIA minidriver to record trace, error, and warning messages to a diagnostic log file.

IWiaSegmentationFilter Interface

Interface used by a WIA minidriver to detect regions in a segmented image.

IWiaTransferCallback Interface

Interface implemented by an image processing filter and called by the WIA service to initiate the processing of image streams.

WIA Device Management Functions and Structures

Functions for installing a WIA device without user intervention if Plug and Play (PnP) capabilities are unavailable.

WIA Microdriver Functions, Structures, and Commands

Functions, structures, and commands used by WIA microdrivers.

WIA User Interface Extensions

Interface used by device vendors to provide custom user interfaces for their devices.

WIA Structures

Structures used by driver-level WIA methods and functions.

Still Image Interfaces

Interfaces, structures, data types, and control codes used by STI drivers.

Web Services on Devices Reference

Web Services on Devices information, including Scan Service (WS-SCAN) and Distributed Scan Management (DSM)




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