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IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification routine

The IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification routine registers a Plug and Play (PnP) notification callback routine to be called when a PnP event of the specified category occurs.


NTSTATUS IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification(
  _In_      ULONG EventCategoryFlags,
  _In_opt_  PVOID EventCategoryData,
  _In_      PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
  _In_opt_  PVOID Context,
  _Out_     PVOID *NotificationEntry


EventCategory [in]

The category of PnP event for which the callback routine is being registered. EventCategory must be one of the following:


PnP events in this category include the arrival (enabling) of a new instance of a device interface class (GUID_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ARRIVAL), or the removal (disabling) of an existing device interface instance (GUID_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVAL).


PnP events in this category include query-change (GUID_HWPROFILE_QUERY_CHANGE), change-complete (GUID_HWPROFILE_CHANGE_COMPLETE), and change-cancel (GUID_HWPROFILE_CHANGE_CANCELLED) of a hardware profile.


PnP events in this category include events related to removing a device: the device's drivers received a query-remove IRP (GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_QUERY_REMOVE), the drivers completed a remove IRP (GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_COMPLETE), or the drivers received a cancel-remove IRP (GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_CANCELLED). This category is also used for custom notification events.

EventCategoryFlags [in]

Flag bits that modify the registration operation. Possible values include:


Only valid with an EventCategory of EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange. If set, the PnP manager calls the driver callback routine for each device interface instance that is currently registered and active and registers the callback routine for future arrivals or removals of device interface instances.

EventCategoryData [in, optional]

A pointer to further information about the events for which CallbackRoutine is being registered. The information varies for different EventCategory values:

  • When EventCategory is EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange, EventCategoryData must point to a GUID specifying a device interface class. CallbackRoutine will be called when an interface of that class is enabled or removed.

  • When EventCategory is EventCategoryHardwareProfileChange, EventCategoryData must be NULL.

  • When EventCategory is EventCategoryTargetDeviceChange, EventCategoryData must point to the file object for which PnP notification is requested.

DriverObject [in]

A pointer to the caller's driver object.

To ensure that the driver remains loaded while it is registered for PnP notification, this call increments the reference count on DriverObject. The PnP manager decrements the reference count when this registration is removed.

CallbackRoutine [in]

A pointer to the PnP notification callback routine to be called when the specified PnP event occurs.

The function prototype for this callback routine is defined as follows:

typedef NTSTATUS 
    _In_ PVOID NotificationStructure,
    _Inout_opt_ PVOID Context

The callback routine's NotificationStructure is specific to the EventCategory value, as shown in the following table.

Event categoryNotification structure








The callback routine's Context parameter contains the context data the driver supplied during registration.

For information about including a function declaration for the callback routine that meets the requirements of Static Driver Verifier (SDV), see Examples.

The PnP manager calls driver callback routines at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL.

Context [in, optional]

A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer containing context that the PnP manager passes to the callback routine.

NotificationEntry [out]

A pointer to an opaque value returned by this call that identifies the registration. Pass this value to the IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotificationEx routine to remove the registration. (In versions of Windows before Windows 7, call the IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification routine instead of IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotificationEx.)

Return value

IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification returns STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate error status.


A driver registers for an event category. Each category includes one or more types of PnP events.

A driver can register different callback routines for different event categories or can register a single callback routine. A single callback routine can cast the NotificationStructure to a PLUGPLAY_NOTIFICATION_HEADER and use the Event field to determine the exact type of the notification structure.

Warning  If the caller specifies PNPNOTIFY_DEVICE_INTERFACE_INCLUDE_EXISTING_INTERFACES, the operating system might call the PnP notification callback routine twice for a single EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange event for an existing interface. You can safely ignore the second call to the callback. The operating system will not call the callback more than twice for a single event.

PnP notification callback routines should complete their tasks as quickly as possible and return control to the PnP manager, to prevent delays in notifying other drivers and applications that have registered for the event.

The PnP manager does not take out a reference on the file object when a driver registers for notification of an EventCategoryTargetDeviceChange event. If the driver's PnP notification callback routine requires access to the file object, the driver should take out an extra reference on the file object before calling IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification.

Typically, Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) drivers should call IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification from their EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoInit callback function, and should call IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification from their EvtDeviceSelfManagedIoCleanup callback function. These drivers should not call IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification from their EvtDriverDeviceAdd callback function; otherwise, the PnP notification callback routine might be called before the driver stack is started by PnP, in which case the driver will not be prepared to handle the notification.

For more information, see Using PnP Notification.


To define a PnP notification callback routine, you must first provide a function declaration that identifies the type of callback routine you're defining. Windows provides a set of callback function types for drivers. Declaring a function using the callback function types helps Code Analysis for Drivers, Static Driver Verifier (SDV), and other verification tools find errors, and it's a requirement for writing drivers for the Windows operating system.

For example, to define a PnP notification callback routine that is named MyCallbackRoutine, use the DRIVER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_ROUTINE type as shown in this code example:


Then, implement your callback routine as follows:

    PVOID NotificationStructure,
    PVOID Context
      // Function body

The DRIVER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_ROUTINE function type is defined in the Wdm.h header file. To more accurately identify errors when you run the code analysis tools, be sure to add the _Use_decl_annotations_ annotation to your function definition. The _Use_decl_annotations_ annotation ensures that the annotations that are applied to the DRIVER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_ROUTINE function type in the header file are used. For more information about the requirements for function declarations, see Declaring Functions by Using Function Role Types for WDM Drivers. For information about _Use_decl_annotations_, see Annotating Function Behavior.



Available starting with Windows 2000.


Wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, or Ntifs.h)





DDI compliance rules

MarkPower, MarkPowerDown, MarkQueryRelations, MarkStartDevice, PowerIrpDDis, HwStorPortProhibitedDDIs

See also




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Build date: 2/11/2014

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