USBD_CreateHandle routine
The USBD_CreateHandle routine is called by a WDM USB client driver to obtain a USBD handle. The routine registers the client driver with the underlying USB driver stack.
Note for Windows Driver Framework (WDF) Drivers: If your client driver is a WDF-based driver, then you do not need the USBD handle. The client driver is registered in its call to the the WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateWithParameters method.
NTSTATUS USBD_CreateHandle( _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT TargetDeviceObject, _In_ ULONG USBDClientContractVersion, _In_ ULONG PoolTag, _Out_ USBD_HANDLE *USBDHandle );
- DeviceObject [in]
Pointer to the device object for the client driver.
- TargetDeviceObject [in]
Pointer to the next lower device object in the device stack. The client driver receives a pointer to that device object in a previous call to IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack.
- USBDClientContractVersion [in]
The contract version that the client driver supports. USBDClientContractVersion must be USBD_CLIENT_CONTRACT_VERSION_602. For more information, see Remarks.
- PoolTag [in]
The pool tag used for memory allocations.
- USBDHandle [out]
Opaque handle that indicates that the client driver was registered with the USB driver stack. For more information, see Remarks.
Return value
The routine returns an NTSTATUS code. Possible values include but are not limited to, these values in the following table.
Return code | Description |
The routine call succeeded. |
The caller is not running at the IRQL value PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
The caller passed one of the following invalid parameter values:
Version Registration
Windows 8 includes a new USB driver stack to support USB 3.0 devices. The new USB driver stack provides several new capabilities, such as stream support, chained MDLs, and so on. Before your client driver can use any of those USB capabilities, you must register the client driver with the USB driver stack and obtain a USBD handle. The handle is required in order to call routines that use or configure the new capabilities. To obtain a USBD handle, call USBD_CreateHandle.
The client driver must call USBD_CreateHandle regardless of whether the device is attached to a USB 3.0, 2.0, or 1.1 host controller. If the device is attached to a USB 3.0 host controller, Windows loads the USB 3.0 driver stack. Otherwise, USB 2.0 driver stack is loaded. In either case, the client driver is not required to know the version supported by the underlying USB driver stack. USBD_CreateHandle assesses the driver stack version and allocates resources appropriately.
The client driver must specify USBD_CLIENT_CONTRACT_VERSION_602 in the USBDClientContractVersion parameter and follow the set of rules described in Best Practices: Using URBs.
Calling USBD_CreateHandle
The USBD_CreateHandle routine must be called by a Windows Driver Model (WDM) client driver before the driver send any other requests, through URBs or IOCTLs, to the USB driver stack. Typically, the client driver obtains the USBD handle in its AddDevice routine.
A Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF) client driver is not required to call USBD_CreateHandle because the framework calls this routine on behalf of the client driver during the device initialization phase. Instead, the client driver can specify its client contract version in the WDF_USB_DEVICE_CREATE_CONFIG structure and pass it in the call to WdfUsbTargetDeviceCreateWithParameters.
USBD_CreateHandle Call Completion
If the USBD_CreateHandle call succeeds, a valid USBD handle is obtained in the USBDHandle parameter. The client driver must use the USBD handle in the client driver's future requests to the USB driver stack.
If the USBD_CreateHandle call fails, the client driver can fail the AddDevice routine.
After the client driver is finished using the USBD handle, the driver must close the handle by calling the USBD_CloseHandle routine.
The following example code shows how to register a client driver by calling USBD_CreateHandle.
DRIVER_ADD_DEVICE MyAddDevice; NTSTATUS MyAddDevice( __in PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, __in PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT stackDeviceObject; USBD_HANDLE usbdHandle; ... ntStatus = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), NULL, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, FILE_AUTOGENERATED_DEVICE_NAME, FALSE, &deviceObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { return ntStatus; } ... // Attach the FDO to the top of the PDO in the client driver's // device stack. deviceExtension->StackDeviceObject = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack ( deviceObject, PhysicalDeviceObject); ... // Initialize the DeviceExtension deviceExtension = deviceObject->DeviceExtension; ... //Register the client driver with the USB driver stack. //Obtain a USBD handle for registration. ntStatus = USBD_CreateHandle(deviceObject, deviceExtension->StackDeviceObject, USBD_CLIENT_CONTRACT_VERSION_602, POOL_TAG, &deviceExtension->USBDHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { return ntStatus; } ... // Call USBD_QueryUsbCapability to determine // stream support. ntStatus = USBD_QueryUsbCapability ( deviceExtension->USBDHandle, (GUID*)&GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_STATIC_STREAMS, sizeof(ULONG), (PUCHAR) &deviceExtension.MaxSupportedStreams); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { deviceExtension->MaxSupportedStreams = 0; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } ... }
Version | Requires WDK for Windows 8. Targets Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating system. |
Header |
Library |
See also
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Build date: 12/5/2013