[Applies to UMDF 1.x only]

The WUDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS structure contains driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in the system working state (S0).


  ULONG                                  Size;
  DEVICE_POWER_STATE                     DxState;
  ULONG                                  IdleTimeout;
  WDF_TRI_STATE                          Enabled;
  WDF_TRI_STATE                          PowerUpIdleDeviceOnSystemWake;
  WDF_TRI_STATE                          ExcludeD3Cold;



The size, in bytes, of this structure.


A WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_CAPABILITIES-typed enumerator that identifies the device's ability to wake itself up after being set to a low-power state, while the system remains in its working (S0) state.


A DEVICE_POWER_STATE-typed enumerator that identifies the low device power state that the device will enter after the idle timeout period ends. DEVICE_POWER_STATE values are defined in wdm.h.


The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the device will remain idle before the framework places it in the DxState-supplied low-power state. To use the framework's default idle timeout value, specify IdleTimeoutDefaultValue. For more information on when the framework considers the device to be idle, see Supporting Idle Power-Down in UMDF-based Drivers.


A WDF_POWER_POLICY_S0_IDLE_USER_CONTROL-typed enumerator that indicates whether users have the ability to modify the device's idle settings.


A WDF_TRI_STATE-typed enumerator that indicates whether the device will be powered down if it remains idle and while the system power is at S0. This member can have one of the following values:

WdfTrue - Powering down is enabled.

WdfFalse - Powering down is disabled.

WdfUseDefault - Powering down is initially enabled by default; but if the UserControlOfIdleSettings member is set to IdleAllowUserControl, the user's setting or driver's INF file overrides the initial value.

If powering down is enabled, the device has a wake-up capability, and the idle timeout value expires, the framework calls the driver's IPowerPolicyCallbackWakeFromS0::OnArmWakeFromS0 method before the device enters a low-power state.


A WDF_TRI_STATE-typed enumerator that indicates whether the device will return to its working (D0) state when the system returns to its working (S0) state. This member is valid only if the driver sets the IdleCaps member to IdleCannotWakeFromS0. The PowerUpIdleDeviceOnSystemWake member can have one of the following values:

WdfTrue - If both the device and the system are in a low-power state, the device returns to its working state when the system returns to its working state.

WdfFalse - If both the device and the system are in a low-power state, the device remains in the low-power state when the system returns to its working state.

WdfUseDefault - The default value that the framework uses if the driver does not set a different value. This value has the same meaning as WdfFalse.

If the PowerUpIdleDeviceOnSystemWake member is set to WdfFalse or WdfUseDefault, the device returns to its working state only when software accesses the device, such as when an application sends an I/O request to the device. For more information, see A Device Returns to Its Working State.


A WDF_TRI_STATE-typed enumerator that indicates whether the framework can put the device in the D3cold power state when the idle timeout period expires. The ExcludeD3Cold member can have one of the following values:

WdfTrue - The framework will move a device to a low-power D-state when the idle timeout period expires. If that D-state is D3, the device will be moved to D3hot. If ExcludeD3Cold is set to WdfTrue, then no further transition from D3hot to D3cold will be allowed.

WdfFalse - The device may enter the D3cold power state when the idle timeout period expires, if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The DxState member of this structure specifies PowerDeviceD3 or PowerDeviceMaximum.
  • The ACPI firmware indicates that the device supports the D3cold power state.
  • If the driver specified IdleCanWakeFromS0 or IdleUsbSelectiveSuspend in the IdleCaps member of this structure, the device can respond to an external wake-up event while in the D3cold power state. Otherwise, this requirement does not apply.

WdfUseDefault - The framework examines the DDInstall.HW section of the driver's INF file. If the following lines are present, this value has the same meaning as WdfFalse:

Include = machine.inf
Needs = PciD3ColdSupported

Otherwise, this value has the same meaning as WdfTrue.

The ExcludeD3Cold member is available starting in UMDF version 1.11, and is ignored in operating systems earlier than Windows 8. See additional information in Remarks.


The WUDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS structure is used as input to IWDFDevice3::AssignS0IdleSettingsEx.

The first time a driver calls IWDFDevice3::AssignS0IdleSettingsEx, the following actions occur:

  • The framework stores the values of all WUDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS structure members.

  • If the UserControlOfIdleSettings member is set to IdleAllowUserControl and if the Enabled member is set to WdfUseDefault, the framework reads the registry to find out if the user has enabled powering down the device when it is idle.

During subsequent calls to IWDFDevice3::AssignS0IdleSettingsEx, the framework only stores the values of the DxState, IdleTimeout, and Enabled members. Also, the framework stores the value of the IdleCaps member subject to the following rules:

  • If the driver has ever specified IdleCanWakeFromS0 for the IdleCaps parameter's value in a previous call to AssignS0IdleSettingsEx, it cannot subsequently change that value to IdleUsbSelectiveSuspend.

  • If the driver has ever specified IdleUsbSelectiveSuspend for the IdleCaps parameter's value in a previous call to AssignS0IdleSettingsEx, it cannot subsequently change that value to IdleCanWakeFromS0.

The following rules apply to the value that you specify for the DxState member:

  • The value cannot be PowerDeviceD0.

  • For USB devices, the value cannot be PowerDeviceD0 or PowerDeviceD3.

  • If you specify DevicePowerMaximum, the framework uses the value that the driver for the device's bus supplied in the DeviceWake member of its WDF_DEVICE_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure.

  • If the value of the IdleCaps member is IdleCanWakeFromS0, you cannot specify a device power state that is lower than the device power state in the DeviceWake member of the bus driver's WDF_DEVICE_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure. (In other words, if the bus driver's DeviceWake value is PowerDeviceD2, your function driver's DxState value cannot be PowerDeviceD3.)

In operating systems earlier than Windows 8, the D3 power state signifies that the device is in a low-power state, but that some power to the bus is still maintained. Starting in Windows 8, the former D3 power state is called D3hot, and a new power state (D3cold) is available. A device can enter the D3cold state either while the system is in its working (S0) state or in a low-power state. When a device is in the D3cold power state, the bus is inactive and the device must trigger its own wake signal when an external action (for example plugging in a network cable) causes a hardware event.

A device that supports idle power-down can use the ExcludeD3Cold member of this structure to specify whether the D3cold power state should be an allowable choice for the low device power state that the device will enter after the idle timeout period ends.

For information about registry entries that control a device's idle capabilities, see User Control of Device Idle and Wake Behavior in UMDF.



End of support

Unavailable in UMDF 2.0 and later.

Minimum UMDF version




See also




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