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Using the Windows App Certification Kit

To give your app the best chance of getting certified, validate and test it on your computer before you submit it for certification and listing in the Windows Store. This topic shows you how to install and run the Windows App Certification Kit. For more details on specific tests carried out by this kit, refer to the following topics:

For a high level look at the certification process, and where the use of this tool fits in, see Certify your app.


If you are developing a Windows 8 app:

If you are developing a Windows 8.1 app:

  • You must install and run Windows 8.1.

  • You must install Windows App Certification Kit version 3.1, which is included in the Windows SDK for Windows 8.1.


    Because it is frequently recommended that you test your app on Windows RT, be sure to also install the Windows App Certification Kit for Windows RT (available as a separate download for Windows RT devices).

    To run Windows App Certification Kit version 3.1 on a Windows RT machine (Windows 8.1 RT), the kits policy needs to be installed as well. For details on installing the kits policy, see ARM Kit Policy Installation.

Other pre-requisites:

  • You must have a valid developer license for your computer. See Get a developer license to learn how.

  • You must deploy the Windows Store app that you want to test to your computer.

    Note  If you're using Visual Studio, you can run the Windows App Certification Kit when you create your app package. See Creating an app package to learn how.

Enabling in place upgrade

The installation of Windows App Certification Kit version 3.1 or higher will replace any previous version of the kit that is installed on the machine.


Validate your Windows Store app by using the Windows App Certification Kit interactively

  1. From the Start menu, search Apps, find Windows Kits, and click Windows App Cert Kit.

  2. From the Windows App Certification Kit, select the category of validation you would like to perform. For example: If you are validating a Windows Store app, select Validate a Windows Store app.

    When the Windows App Certification Kit is run for the first time, the UI lists all the Windows Store apps that you have installed on your computer. For any subsequent runs, the UI will display the most recent apps that you have validated. If the app that you want to test is not listed, you can click on My app isn't listed to get a comprehensive list of all apps installed on your system.

  3. Select the Windows Store app you want to test, and then click Next.

  4. From the next screen, select the tests you want to run on your Windows Store app and click Next.

    The Windows App Certification Kit begins validating the app.

  5. At the prompt after the test, enter the path to the folder where you want to save the test report.

    The Windows App Certification Kit creates an HTML along with an XML report and saves it in this folder.

  6. Open the report file and review the results of the test.

Validate your Windows Store app by using the Windows App Certification Kit from a command line

  1. In the command window, navigate to the directory that contains the Windows App Certification Kit.

    Note   The default path is C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\App Certification Kit\.

  2. Enter the following commands in this order:

    appcert.exe reset
    appcert.exe test -apptype windowsstoreapp -packagefullname [package full name] -reportoutputpath [report file name]


    [package full name] is the fully qualified name of the package.

    [report file name] is the fully qualified file name, that includes the file path, of the XML file that the kit will create to contain the test report.

  3. After the test completes, open the report file named [report file name] and review the test results.

Note   For more info about the Windows App Certification Kit command line, enter the command appcert.exe /?


Testing with a low-power computer

The performance test thresholds of the Windows App Certification Kit are based on the performance of a low-power computer.

The characteristics of the computer on which the test is performed can influence the test results. To determine if your app’s performance meets the certification requirements, we recommend that you test your app on a low-power computer, such as an Intel Atom processor-based computer with a screen resolution of 1366x768 (or higher) and a rotational hard drive (as opposed to a solid-state hard drive).

As low-power computers evolve, their performance characteristics might change over time. Refer to the most current certification requirements and test your app with the most current version of the Windows App Certification Kit to make sure that your app complies with the latest performance requirements.

Windows App Certification Kit tests

Several enhancements were made to the latest version of the Windows App Certification Kit to improve usability:

  • Simplified user interface
  • General fixes and performance improvements.
  • Better integration within Visual Studio for evaluating Windows Store apps.

Tests performed on Windows Store apps

Test namePossible test resultsCertification requirements testedOS Applicability

Crashes & hangs test



Crashes and hangs

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

App manifest compliance test



App manifest

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows security features test



Binary analyzer

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Banned file analyzer**

Private code signing

Supported Windows Store API test



Supported APIs

The test is applicable to both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

The updates in Windows App Certification Kit 3.0 and later are applicable only for Windows 8.1

Performance test



Bytecode generation

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Optimized binding references

Performance launch

Performance suspend

App manifest resources test



App resources validation

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Branding validation

Debug configuration test



Debug configuration

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

File encoding test



UTF-8 file encoding

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Direct3D feature level test



Direct3D feature level support

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Direct3D Trim after suspend**

Windows 8.1

App capabilities test



Special use capabilities

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows Runtime metadata validation



ExclusiveTo attribute test

The test is applicable to both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

The updates in Windows App Certification Kit 3.0 and later are applicable only for Windows 8.1

Type location test

Type name case-sensitivity test

Type name correctness test

General metadata correctness test

Properties test

Package Sanity check



Platform appropriate files**

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Supported directory structure check**

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Resource Usage test



WinJS bckground task test**

Windows 8.1

** indicates the test was newly added for Windows App Certification Kit for Windows 8.1 and is applicable only when you test using the latest kit.


Testing on ARM devices

If you're creating an app for Windows RT devices, be sure to check out Debugging and testing on Windows RT PCs. It contains info to help you test apps for these devices.

Related topics

Windows App Certification Kit tests



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