Get a code signing certificate

Updated: September 16, 2013

Before you can establish a Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard account, you need to get a code signing certificate to secure your digital information. This certificate is the accepted standard for establishing your company’s ownership of the code you submit. It allows you to digitally sign PE binaries, such as .exe, .cab, .dll, .ocx, .msi, .xpi and .xap files.

Step 1: Determine which type of code signing certificate you need

  • Microsoft accepts standard code signing and extended validation (EV) code signing certificates from VeriSign and DigiCert. If you already have an approved standard or EV certificate from one of these authorities, you can use it to establish a Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard account. If you don’t have a certificate, you’ll need to buy a new one. For more info about standard and EV certificates, see Code signing certificates for Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard.

  • LSA and UEFI file signing services require an EV code signing certificate (UEFI will enforce this requirement on August 15, 2014). All other Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard services can use either a standard or EV certificate. See the following table for more information:


Dashboard service/permission Code signing certificate requirement

Bug management

Standard or EV

DDC – Driver Distribution Center

Standard or EV

Device Metadata

Standard or EV

Report Data

Standard or EV

Submissions (including HCK/Download Signatures)

Standard or EV

WRD – Windows Remote Debugging

Standard or EV





Note: UEFI will enforce this requirement beginning August 15, 2014

Code signing certificates for Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard

Standard Code Signing

  • Provides standard level of identity validation

  • Requires shorter processing times and lower cost

  • Can be used for all Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard services except LSA and UEFI

Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing

  • Provides the highest level of identity validation

  • Requires longer processing times and higher cost due to an extensive verification process

  • Can be used for all Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard services, and is required for LSA and UEFI file signing services

Step 2: Buy a new code signing certificate

If you don’t have an approved standard or EV code signing certificate, you can buy one from one of the certificate authorities below.

Standard code signing certificates

Extended validation code signing certificates (required for UEFI and LSA certifications)

Step 3: Retrieve code signing certificates

Once the certificate authority has verified your contact information and your certificate purchase is approved, follow their directions to retrieve the certificate.

You must use the same computer and browser to retrieve your certificate.

Next steps

  • If you’re setting up a new Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard account, follow the steps in Establish a new company.

  • If you’ve already set up a Windows Dev Center hardware dashboard account and need to renew a certificate, follow the steps in Update a code signing certificate.

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