Coverage Tests (Device Fundamentals)

The Device Fundamental Coverage tests monitor and report on the various I/O request packets (IRPs) that enter or leave a driver stack for specified devices. The data from the Coverage tests can help identify coverage weaknesses during driver test and verification.

Coverage tests


Clear IRP coverage data

Clears the IRP coverage data.

Test binary: DriverCoverageClearCoverageData.dll

Test method: ClearCoverageData

Parameters: None

Disable IRP coverage data collection

Disables the IRP coverage data collection for device specified by the DQ parameter.

Test binary: DriverCoverageDisableSupport.dll

Test method: DisableCoverageDataCollection


DQ - see Device Fundamentals Test Parameters

Display collected IRP coverage data.

Displays the IRP coverage data collected up to this point for all devices.

Test binary: DriverCoverageDisplayCoverage.dll

Test method: DisplayCoverageData

Parameters: None

Display IRP coverage enabled devices

Displays the devices that currently have IRP coverage data collection enabled for them.

Test binary: DriverCoverageDisplayEnabledDevices.dll

Test method: DisplayEnabledDevices

Parameters: None

Enable IRP coverage data collection

Enables IRP coverage data collection for the device specified by the DQ parameter.

Test binary: DriverCoverageEnableSupport.dll

Test method: EnableCoverageDataCollection

Parameters: None

DQ - see Device Fundamentals Test Parameters


About the Coverage tests

The Device Fundamentals coverage tests are based upon the Driver Coverage Toolkit, which was previously available as stand-alone tool in the WDK. For information about how the coverage tests are implemented, see Driver Coverage Toolkit.

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How to How to test a driver at runtime using Visual Studio
How to select and configure the Device Fundamentals tests
Device Fundamentals Tests
Device Fundamentals Test Parameters
Provided WDTF Simple I/O plug-ins
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Build date: 2/13/2014

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