Driver Install Tests (Device Fundamentals)

The Driver Install test category includes tests that uninstall and reinstall a driver several times to test install functionality. The tests initiate I/O testing against the driver and device after each reinstall. The tests are designed to improve the overall experience for end users who need to install and reinstall a device driver or a device.

DriverInstall tests


Reinstall with IO Before and After

This test uninstalls and reinstalls the drivers for selected devices, and runs I/O testing on devices.

Test binary: Devfund_Reinstall_With_IO_BeforeAndAfter.wsc

Test method: Reinstall_With_IO_Before_And_After

Parameters: - see Device Fundamentals Test Parameters




About the ReInstall with I/O Before and After test

This test does the following:

  1. Verifies that the test device and its descendants are not reporting any device problem codes.
  2. Tests I/O on the test device and its descendants using WDTF Simple I/O plugins. See Provided WDTF Simple I/O plug-ins for more information.
  3. Reinstalls the original driver on the test device using IWDTFDriverSetupAction2::UpdateDriver method.
  4. Verifies that the test device and its descendants are not reporting any device problem codes.
  5. Tests I/O on the test device and its descendants using WDTF Simple I/O plugins. See Provided WDTF Simple I/O plug-ins for more information.
  6. Reboots the system if step #3 requires a reboot.
  7. Installs NULL driver on the test device using IWDTFDriverSetupAction2::UnInstallDriverPermanently method Reboots the system if a reboot is required.
  8. Reinstalls the original driver on device under test using IWDTFDriverSetupAction2::UpdateDriver method.
  9. Verifies that the test device and its descendants are not reporting any device problem codes.
  10. Tests I/O on the test device and its descendants using WDTF Simple I/O plugins. See Provided WDTF Simple I/O plug-ins for more information.
  11. Repeats step 1 - 10 several times.

Debug installation failures using the Setup API logs

The Setup API logs ( and contain useful information to debug driver installation failures logged by this test. The Setup API logs can be found under %windir%\inf\ directory on the test system.

To increase the verbosity and potential usefulness of these logs, set the following registry key to 0x2000FFFF before running the Reinstall test:


Related topics

How to How to test a driver at runtime using Visual Studio
How to select and configure the Device Fundamentals tests
Device Fundamentals Tests
Device Fundamentals Test Parameters
Provided WDTF Simple I/O plug-ins
How to test a driver at runtime from a Command Prompt



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Build date: 2/13/2014

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