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Windows.Devices.Enumeration namespace

Provides classes for enumerating devices.

The following are typical uses of the Windows.Devices.Enumeration API.

  • Building a user interface for selecting the device to be used by an application. For example, a voice chat application may present a list of microphones or webcams for the user to select from, or a photo import application may present a list of removable storage devices for the user to import photos from.
  • Device discovery and notifications about devices for apps that use them, like Windows Store device apps.


The Windows.Devices.Enumeration namespace has these types of members:


The Windows.Devices.Enumeration namespace has these classes.

DeviceAccessChangedEventArgs Provides data for the AccessChanged event.
DeviceAccessInformation Contains the information about access to a device.
DeviceInformation Represents a device.
DeviceInformationCollection Represents a collection of DeviceInformation objects.
DeviceInformationUpdate Contains updated properties for a DeviceInformation object.
DeviceThumbnail Represents the thumbnail image for a device.
DeviceWatcher Enumerates devices dynamically, so that the app receives notifications if devices are added, removed, or changed after the initial enumeration is complete.
EnclosureLocation Describes the physical location of a device in its enclosure.



The Windows.Devices.Enumeration namespace has these enumerations.

DeviceAccessStatus Indicates the status of the access to a device.
DeviceClass Indicates the type of devices that the user wants to enumerate.
DeviceWatcherStatus Describes the state of a DeviceWatcher object.
Panel Indicates the location of a panel on a computer.



Minimum supported client

Windows 8

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012


Windows::Devices::Enumeration [C++]





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