CPU Weight
The CPU weight is a relative weight that a parent partition can assign to each of the virtual processors of each child partition. Unless otherwise constrained by reserves and caps, the scheduler will attempt to weight the run time of the virtual processors that are scheduled on a given logical processor according to their relative weights. Consider the case where three partitions, each with one virtual processor are being scheduled on a single logical processor. The virtual processors' weights are 100, 200, and 700, no reserves or caps are in effect, and all three of the virtual processors have work to perform (that is, they are not idle). In this situation, the fraction of physical CPU capacity that is provided to the three virtual processors would be approximately 10%, 20%, and 70%.
The CPU weight value is expressed as a decimal value from 1 to 10,000 where 100 (the geometric mean) is the typical value.
By default, a partition's weight is set to 100.
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Build date: 11/16/2013