Enabling and Disabling Event Logging

Associated with each event log type is a 64-bit event source mask that indicates which event sources are enabled. This event source mask gives the root partition fine-grained control over which events will be logged. The meaning of the bits within the mask is specific to the event log type.

The root partition enables event logging by setting the relevant bits in the event source mask in a call to the HvSetEventLogGroupSources hypercall function. Setting bits in the event source mask selects the set of sources that the hypervisor will record events for. In order to enable the event logging type, the partition must enable at least one source; that is, the event mask must be nonzero.

The root partition disables event logging by clearing all bits in the event source mask in a call to HvSetEventLogGroupSources. Clearing bits in the event source mask disables the recording of events from all sources for the event log type. The root partition can subsequently re-enable event logging or can call the HvFinalizeEventLogBufferGroup hypercall function to finalize (terminate) event logging altogether.



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Build date: 11/16/2013

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