Partition Finalization

Finalization of a partition causes an irreversible change in the partition state. A parent can call the HvFinalizePartition function to request this state change for any of the parent's children.

Partition finalization takes an indeterminate amount of time depending on the amount of internal cleanup that the hypervisor must perform to bring the partition to the finalized state. Cleanup deallocates the partition's internal hypervisor data structures--including those structures that are associated with virtual processors, intercepts, ports, connections, GPA mappings, and memory buffers--and returns them to the pool that the hypervisor allocated them from. After the finalization process begins, the caller is able to perform only a few operations on the partition. For more information about the finalizing state, see Partition State.

A finalized partition remains in the finalized state until it is deleted. A partition in the finalized state has the following characteristics:

  • All virtual processors that belong to the partition are completely deleted. Therefore, a finalized partition is unable to execute any guest instructions.

  • The partition does not receive messages or interrupts. Attempts to send messages to the partition will fail.

  • Any call to the hypercall interface functions that has the partition identifier as one of its parameters will fail, except for the HvGetMemoryBalance, HvWithdrawMemory, HvDeletePartition, and HvGetNextChildPartition functions.



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Build date: 11/16/2013

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