Troubleshooting Windows HCK
This section provides troubleshooting support articles for Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK).
In this section:
Topic | Description |
Provides general troubleshooting information on installing and running HCK environment. |
Provides video demonstrations and troubleshooting information related to all HCK tests. |
How to get help from Microsoft. |
In this topic:
Troubleshooting resources for feature areas
The following topics provide troubleshooting guidance for specific Windows HCK tests:
Article | Description |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK antivirus tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK audio tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK bus controller tests; these include Bluetooth, UART, USB, WHCKProximity, WITT I2C, and xHCI tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK device connectivity tests; these include Nearfield Proximity device, PCIHCT, Pnpx logo, USB, vertical pairing logo, WCN device, Web Services for Devices (WSD), and WHCKProximity device tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK touch device tests; these include Windows® Pen and Windows Touch device tests. |
Troubleshooting Device Fundamentals Reliability Testing by using the Windows HCK |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK device fundamentals tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK device graphics tests; these include display monitor, graphics adapter, and chipset tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK imaging device tests; these include printer, scanner, and web services on device tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK input device tests; these include fingerprint reader, game controller, keyboard, mouse and other pointing device, sensor device, and smart card reader tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK media device tests; these include digital media renderer (DMR) and digital media server (DMS) tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK network device tests; these include IPsec, LAN, NDIS, TCP/IP, Mobile Broadband, router, wireless LAN, wireless router, and wi-fi direct tests. See also Troubleshooting Wireless Router Testing, Troubleshooting WiFi Direct Data Performance Tests, and Troubleshooting Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK portable device tests; these include non-integrated camera, camcorder, cell phone, and media player tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK storage device tests; these include hard disk drive, hardware-based RAID, optical disk drive, removable storage, SCSI enclosure services (SES) device, secure digital host controller storage, storage adapter, and storage controller tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK streaming device tests; these include Hardware Media Foundation Transform (HMFT) and webcam tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK antimalware tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK file system tests. |
Troubleshooting Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) Driver Testing |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK Windows filtering platform (WFP) driver tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK system client tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK system fundamental tests. |
This article shows you how to troubleshoot problems that can occur during Windows HCK system server tests. |
Additional troubleshooting resources
The following articles provide additional troubleshooting assistance:
Article | Description |
This article provides a list of bug check error codes for kernel debugging. |
This site provides tools to debug drivers, applications, and services on Windows systems. |
This article contains information about bug checks when you use a kernel debugger. |
Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging in Visual Studio or Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging Manually |
This article describes how to set up kernel debugging |
This article contains troubleshooting content for device driver developers. |
This article describes how to use the kernel debugger. |
This site contains a collection of debuggers and related tools. |
This site contains the latest Windows HCK filters and kit updates. |